Find A Puppy School

Mutt Manners Puppy and Dog School

Puppy School Information
City or Town : Modderfontein
Suburb : Modderfontein
Address : 5 Bloemfontein St, Founders Hill
Email : [email protected]
Contact Number : 082 810 7260 / 082 742 5148
Our Instructors : Charmaine du Toit
What we offer :

Mutt Manners Puppy and Dog Training is based on the Pet Dog Ambassador Curriculum developed by the Pet Professional Guild. The Programme is aimed at encouraging Pet Dog Guardians to develop real world skills with their dogs. The PDA1 (puppy programme) is 6 weeks in duration for puppies aged between 12 and 20 weeks. Your first two sessions will include some foundation knowledge and you will learn all the basics such as preventing pulling, Sit, Down, Bite Inhibition (so you keep your fingers intact when offering treats) and much more. Four further sessions include practicing your skills, supervised free play sessions, mini-agility sessions to build confidence and lots of laughter and fun. Learning is so much better when you are both enjoying what you are doing.At the end of the course your pup will be awarded a certificate of attendance, and you have the option to apply to be formally assessed for the title of PDA1.

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